Creative agency new business. A health-check.
by The Hand
We all know that new business is part and parcel of everyday agency life. But when was the last time you honestly reviewed your progress and effectiveness in this area?
by The Hand
We all know that new business is part and parcel of everyday agency life. But when was the last time you honestly reviewed your progress and effectiveness in this area?
by The Hand
This week marks Mental Health Awareness week and gives us an important opportunity to sit back and reflect on how we can all do more to improve our own mental health and support others.
by The Hand
In today’s world convenience is everything, which has given rise to the ‘one stop shop’ idea. The world of the creative and digital agency has been no different, with more and more agencies turning their hands to a host of different skills in the pursuit of meeting their clients’ needs.
by The Hand
The last two years have forced us all to question absolutely everything: what we do, how we do it, how we run our businesses and what we want life to be like in the future.
by The Hand
So, you’ve decided you want to take on a new business role in a creative agency? Maybe you’re a company director who’s decided to take business development into your remit? Or perhaps you’re an account manager who wants to take more of an active role in new business activity. So, if you’ve never done it before, where exactly do you start?
by The Hand
It can be so easy to get sucked into the day to day of running an agency, or working on client briefs, to then forget to produce case studies of your most recent work. It is often only when a pitch request comes in that you find yourself scrabbling around to produce one that is most relevant. It’s time to stop doing that and get ahead of the game…