The Hand Talks

Kicking 2020 to the curb – what our clients think

by The Hand

Breathe (through your mask of course)… you’ve almost made it!  2020 is almost behind us, and for many, that will come as a huge relief. It’s been really tough, but we’ve also adapted and learned a lot. And whilst we may all feel a little bruised, it’s worth taking the time to reflect on the things that 2020 has taught us and the issues it has raised, which will no doubt shape the way in which we’ll work for years to come.


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Information is king

by The Hand

It’s a commonly held belief that the right data is one of the most valuable business assets. Data powers almost every aspect of our working lives today, and new business is certainly no exception.

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Top tips for writing good introduction emails

by The Hand

If we had a penny for every time we received one of those ‘we’ve reviewed your website and can help’ emails, we’d all be rich.  Those emails are destined for the desktop trash can. Even more infuriating is the follow up ‘I’ve been trying to call’ email that follows just one day later.

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How to keep those wheels turning

by The Hand

So, here we are again… Lockdown 2.0: the sequel.

Whilst there’s a certain amount of déjà vu, we haven’t been caught totally off guard like the first time around.  Creative agencies have adjusted better to working remotely and have the experience and tools to ensure that it’s now just ‘business as usual’.

And because we know that this could well be how life has to be for the coming months ahead, we’re all a bit more in control and a bit less afraid.

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