The Hand Talks

The danger of mass cold emails

by The Hand

If I had a pound for every time someone mentioned the idea of ‘automated marketing’ and ‘en-mass’ emailing to drive new business leads for their agency, I’d be a multimillionaire…

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What do clients look for in an agency partner?

by The Hand

We’ve said it before; new business activity is a little bit like dating. Before you commit, there’s a period of checking each other out to make sure you’re a good potential match. Too often, we approach new business interactions with a standard approach or deck.

But, what we need to do is firmly put ourselves in our clients’ shoes and make sure we think about what they need and want to know, before taking the next step.

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Mental Health and the Creative Industries

by The Hand

This week marks Mental Health Awareness week and gives us an important opportunity to sit back and reflect on how we can all do more to improve our own mental health and support others.

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