The Hand Talks

How Healthy Is Your Agency’s Sales Pipeline—And Will It Really Convert?

by The Hand

If you’re in the UK creative agency scene, you know the thrill of landing a big project and the anxiety of wondering if your sales pipeline is actually going to deliver. We’ve all been there… looking at that shiny list of potential clients and wondering, is this going to convert into actual work or is it just a pipe dream?

Obviously, we don’t all have crystal balls but there are some tactics which you can use to assess the health of your sales pipeline and figure out if those leads are really going to turn into paying clients. Here are some key questions to ask yourself:


  1. Are your leads qualified or just curious?

Not all leads are created equal. Sure, it’s great to have a bunch of names on your list and it does make us feel better when we’re lying in bed at night worrying about pipeline, but how many of those are actually interested in what you offer? And how many are really in a position to go ahead and commission you.

A healthy pipeline isn’t just about quantity; it’s about quality. Take a hard look at your leads and ask yourself:

  • Have they engaged with any of your marketing or social media content?
  • Have they had a meaningful conversation with your team about a specific project?
  • Do they have the budget, need, and timeline that aligns with what you offer?

If most of your leads are just window shopping, it might be time to refine your lead qualification process.


  1. What does your conversion rate look like?

A solid sales pipeline should have a consistent conversion rate at every stage. If you’re losing a lot of leads between initial contact and the proposal stage, it could be a sign that your pitch isn’t hitting the mark or that you’re attracting the wrong type of leads in the first place.

Here’s a quick sense-check you can use:

  • Top of the Funnel: how many leads turn into initial meetings or calls?
  • Middle of the Funnel: how many of those meetings lead to proposals?
  • Bottom of the Funnel: how many proposals convert into actual jobs or signed contracts?

 Tracking these numbers over time can help you spot trends and allow you to tweak your approach accordingly. It can also help you to assess whether you need more expert support from a business development agency.


  1. Are you stuck in limbo with any prospective clients?

In the agency world, time is money, and a sales cycle that drags on too long can be a red flag. If leads are hanging around in your pipeline for ages without making a decision, it might be worth asking:

  • Are they really interested, or just keeping you on the back burner?
  • Are there internal delays on your side, like slow proposal turnaround or lack of follow-up?

Sometimes a stuck sales cycle can be unblocked with a simple check-in email or phone call.


  1. Do you have a clear next step for each lead?

Every lead in your pipeline should have a clear, specific next action. Whether it’s scheduling a follow-up call, sending additional information, or setting up a final pitch meeting, don’t let leads languish in the air. A healthy pipeline is one where every lead is actively moving towards a decision point. Make sure you are using a CRM or similar to track this activity.


  1. Are you nurturing relationships or just chasing work?

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, a healthy sales pipeline is built on relationships, not just transactions. Are you taking the time to nurture your leads with valuable content, regular check-ins, and personalised communication? Or are you just chasing the next job?

Building trust with your leads can make a huge difference in your conversion rate. After all, it’s a fact that people do business with people they like and trust.

Some final thoughts…

A healthy sales pipeline is more than just a list of names—it’s a dynamic, evolving process that requires attention, care, and an investment of time. By focusing on the quality of your leads, tracking your conversion rates, keeping your sales cycle moving, and nurturing relationships, you can turn that pipeline into a consistent source of new business.

 So, how’s your pipeline looking? If you’re feeling unsure, it might be time to dig into the details of your new business strategy/approach and make some adjustments.  Or you might feel that now is the time to engage with some specialist expertise from a new business agency to give your new business efforts a boost.

Here’s to keeping those creative projects flowing and the revenue growing!