Always be closing… some top tips to close more business
by The Hand
It’s easy to walk away from a new business meeting thinking it went well. But how often do you consider whether you ‘closed’ as well as you could have done?

It sounds so obvious, but often we forget (or don’t feel confident enough) to actually ask for the business.
So next time you’re in a new business meeting that is clearly going well, try the following:
- If it’s clear you are the answer to their pain points and the chemistry is really there, try
asking “Can you see how we might support you in meeting your objectives/with some of the challenges you have?” - If the answer is “yes”, then ask for the business. Here are some ways you might try:
“So, do you have a brief you’d like us to get started on?”
“How soon can we get started?”
“Shall I arrange to get a contract/agreement in place?” - If you don’t feel ready to ask for the business yet, then make sure you arrange your next
“Shall I pencil in a meeting in a few weeks to catch up again and see where you’re up to?”
And then “shall we look at diaries and fix a date now?” - And if you get a “we’re not looking to onboard a new agency right now” then why not follow
with a “do you know another business in your network who might want to work with a
creative agency like us?”
When it comes to new business, it always pays to be direct. If someone has taken the time to meet with you, then chances are they value what you have to offer. So, if the meeting has gone well, then never be afraid to put yourself out there and ask for their business!